Marketing Fundamentals + Downloadable Checklist
Do you have a firm grasp on your marketing fundamentals? If not this list is for you! This checklist will help scale, grow and maintain your business structure. You are starting at a good place. DOWNLOAD THE PRINTOUT HERE: Click Me!
You have a good understanding of marketing elements and what is necessary to make a campaign work.
You have clearly defined your target market and can explain the demographics and psychographics of that market.
You can confidently define your USP clearly.
You can back up your claims with case studies and testimonials - at least five or more - that validate your value proposition and credibility.
You have a CRM system that easily captures, hosts and follows up on new leads.
You have a ‘Marketing Kit’ (PR Kit) that has all of your marketing collateral - branding including website, newsletter, business card, downloadable’s etc.
Your website has a powerful ‘master sales pitch’ that converts visitors into leads and prospects into clients.
After you have grasped the first stage you can begin to look into the second stage. Stage two is more in-depth regarding lead generation and growth.
You are easily accessible digitally. Your page is on Google, there are positive online reviews, you have a Linkedin profile and other social platforms that showcase credibility and your audience.
You have a referral marketing system and reward referrals.
You are helping your clients look for new opportunities and cross-sell promotions with your clients (if you can).
You have a ‘stay in touch’ marketing drip system including newsletters and EDMs that is sent offline and online for both your clients and prospects.
You are running monthly or quarterly promotions to convert unconverted leads.
You have a process or system (a ‘sales/marketing playbook’) that details how your company closes sales, the responsibility of those in your team and their objectives.
You know how to track, evaluate and measure your KPIs; lead generation, average sale, lifetime value of a client and consultation/appointment scheduling.
You are dedicated to mastering quarterly planning for growth to hit your sales and growth targets.
This is a fundamental set of action items you can immediately implement, study and master for your business growth. Be consistent, specific and honest about where you are and where you want to be.