4 Halloween Organisation Archetypes

Halloween is a special time of the year for a lot of people – and the perfect opportunity for brands to showcase some creativity!

As many people conjure and dream up what their amazing and auspicious Halloween costumes will be, it is top of mind for many to look the part.

Here are four tongue-in-cheek archetypes of different players within an organization – including external stakeholders like clients – and how they best can prepare for this festive day through their costumes.

As always, stay amused…

The Mechanic / Editors

Like a mechanic, an Editor troubleshoots and fixes problems. They identify what is superfluous and not needed and have the tough job of making things as clear as possible. An experienced and skilled mechanic can often identify issues before they become bigger and larger problems – in the same way an editor does the same by tuning up the copy, design, and brief to achieve the best possible performance.

Costume idea: grey or blue jumpsuit, a belt, a (fake) hammer and some grease for good measure.

The Ghost / Clients

Clients can be like ghosts sometimes. One minute they are here, the next they are not. Sometimes clients may not always be available for reviews and feedback. If they are not visible in the process of refinement it is easy to miss the small details. The ghost of projects past can always come back to haunt you if the client is not 100% visible throughout the process.

Costume idea: a nice linen cloth with two eyes as the holes.

The Acrobat / Designers

Designers are often forced to prioritize the competing needs of different stakeholders. ‘It needs to be bigger’, ‘no, it needs to be smaller and bolder’, ‘no I want more colour / less colour’ and the list can go on. With stakeholders representing different departments and regions within the organization and from the client’s side, this is a role for someone with the wherewithal to take on competing demands and strive not to lean too far on either side.

Costume idea: Something that allows for movement – spandex and most likely with socks and no shoes.

The Superhero / IT technician

If you have an IT person on your team, then you understand the importance of having someone who has the skill and knowledge to help when things go awry with technology. An IT person, like a good Superhero, knows how to solve most problems. Just when you think Zoom [INSERT whatever management system you have] is on the fritz, here comes your IT person to save the day. Often hiding in their secret office, they are always ready to fight the evils of bad technology.

Costume idea: Anything but with a cape. Suggest buying a few meters of silk in your colour of choice and tying it loosely around your shoulders or neck.


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