5 Content Marketing Buzz Word No-No's!

📝 Unprecedented

'Unprecedented' seems like the word of the year, especially with COVID-19. How many pieces of copy have you seen in the past three months where the word ‘unprecedented’ has been used? Can I say, we are all tired of hearing it! Use a different word or don’t use it at all.

Alternative words:

  • Remarkable

  • Huh? This has never happened

  • uncommon

  • Can we just move planets?

  • unusual

  • eccentric

  • newfangled

  • odd

  • sui generis

📝 Digital Transformation

To use the term ‘digital transformation’ is to imply there are many variables - there is no clear definition and it sounds ambiguous. Rely on DIGITAL INNOVATION, not TRANSFORMATION. Think about innovating the disruptions that will no doubt come instead of trying to transform with what is happening.

Alternatives words:

  • Digital Innovation

  • Digital Progress

  • Digital Starwave

  • Digital Milkyway

📝 Empathy

Empathy has a beautiful meaning but is over-used when trying to evoke emotion. Your audience doesn’t need to be manipulated to a call-to-action. Use better copy to elicit a sense of meaning for your audience.

Alternative words:

  • Meaningful

  • Enjoyable

  • Useful

  • Carebear

  • Lovebomb

📝 Going Viral

Going viral has been overused so many times it might as well stay viral! Try using a different term for your content ‘taking off’. Everything can’t be viral and everything can’t be going. Sometimes things are coming and not going… you get the gist. Use a different phrase.

Alternative words:

  • Blowing up

  • Viral spiral going up

  • Up, up and away…

📝 Smarketing

Smarketing is a portmanteau; meaning two words put together to make a new word. ‘Smarketing’ is Sales and Marketing put together; get it? Avoid this word – it’s not needed at all.

Alternative words:

  • Sales and Marketing

  • Where people talk about other people and get them to do stuff


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