5 Valentine's Day Inspired Content Marketing Tips

We all know what today is… Valentines Day! And there is much a buzz in the air! Don’t disappoint your audience by not embracing the fun of the season.

Here are 5 #HotTips to get your audience falling in love with your content! You ready?



The ability to make choices is a human privilege. The choices we make shape the world we live in internally and externally. Before you start blasting messages to your people make sure you choose the right audience.

#FunFact dating as a commodity is worth $2.2 million in America alone! That’s A LOT of people making choices.

With the increase in various dating apps, society has never had as many options as they do now. But, just because something is an option doesn't mean it is viable.

What does this mean? If you are a sunglasses seller and all your content is quite fresh and hip, ultimately attracting a younger demographic of under 20s, they may not be able to afford your products or enter your consumer funnel readily as someone older. Choose those that are viable, not just those that you attract. Attraction is only one part of the formula for romance and the same goes for business.


When you go on a first date it’s etiquette to look your best. You know, make sure everything is presentable because you want to make a good first impression. Your business is no different.

Get a little vain when it comes to finding the right audiences and providing the right content. Look at your audience as someone you would like to impress. Don’t go overboard! Don’t be the guy with the overbearing perfume or the girl whose tag is showing. Give your brand a once-over before posting ANYTHING! First impressions do matter and you want to look nice for your interests.

Having a QCO (Quality Control Officer) will give you confidence, knowing that your content and campaigns are visually appealing and impactful. Become your own *critique and no one else will matter.

*Disclaimer: be kind to yourself! Constructive criticism leads to higher ROI, not baseless opinions.


Do you remember the last date/date night you went on? What was one of the things you liked about your companion? Is it the way they ordered your wine for you? Or maybe how they smiled at you? Research shows people are more likely to engage with those who remember things we have told them about us.

Harvard research showed talking about yourself produces rewarding effects just as food, money and sex would provide. The study showed that the region of the brain associated with motivation and reward were most active when participants were sharing information publicly; but also active when participants were talking about themselves with anyone listening.

Do your research on what your audience likes so you can provide them with a positive experience that will keep them coming back.


The best-laid plans often go awry is an interesting phrase. Like any well-thought-out date, you must consider contingency plans. Going on a picnic? What if it rains? Your car breaks down? You spill wine on your $50 white shirt? Oh, the tragedy! Have a plan A, B, C… you get the gist. In the event that you aren’t able to execute Plan A for whatever reasons have Plan B top of mind.

The secret to persistence is the ability to adapt and pivot. If you want the prize, you gotta get in the game with a proper strategy and that includes whole lotta backup plans in case.


Following up is a crucial part of any strategy or plan. This means after the work or objective is completed you review what milestones or revenue you have made.

Okay so your date is over - and it was great! Lots of talking and sharing and aligning with interests; amazing! You go home and a day goes by, maybe even two. After the second day or once the magical feels die down a little, you message your person and thank them for a great outing and express how you found the experience. The same goes for your business.

If you threw an event or just released your latest podcast, always follow up with your audience for a temperature check - how they found the experience. Don’t be afraid to follow up with your tribe to see what you can do to be better next time.


5 Content Marketing Habits *and a bit of advice too.


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